Case study of NAMBI NARAYANAN- An Inspiration...

CASE STUDY OF NAMBI NARAYANAN : An Inspiration...      You thought who is Nambi Narayanan, we never heard anything about him. Who is he?? 90% of Indians don't know about him.    It's a Normal questions. But believe me his life was not normal. Police arrested him for a spy case. Then you think why I discuss about Nambi Narayanan! , who taunted as a criminal. So read this carefully ... Nambi Narayanan , Former ISRO scientist. S. Nambi Narayanan  (born 12 December 1941)is an INDIAN scientist and an aerospace engineer. As a senior official at the ISRO he was in-charge of the cryogenics division.   In 1994, he was falsely charged with espionage and arrested. But the charges against him were dismissed by the CBI in April 1996,and the supreme Court of India declared him not guilty in 1998.         In 2018, the Supreme Court, through the bench of Dipak Mishra...

21 days teach us...

                 21 days teach us....                                                                                                                                                                                                        NATURE : Nature means trees, sky, river, sea, hill etc. We , mankind are being part of beautifull nature. We enjoy this god gifted beautifull nature. It's nice to see when birds are flying in beautifull sky , the flowing of river  with beautifull sound. In INDIA ,there are many natural beautifull things are present like beautifull Himalaya, Ganga river etc...                                                                                                       But all things are badly affected  by man made water pollution, air pollution. In INDIA the water of river ganga is badly effected. In our naked eye we can't see the open sky. For this man made pollution one of the biggest problem is global warming.                                                                                                                      Lockdown change our environment :                                                                                                             During the covid-19 attack in the world the whole world maintain the lockdown. For that reason every industry,  railway , roads are silent same as sleeping baby.     so, the rate of pollution is very less.   Pictures say everything...                         

                                                                    It's really good for us. When every animal live freely with free nature...                                                                                                                         Just 21 days of lockdown, the environment of INDIA is change. The picture of  INDIA is change. Even the picture of whole world is change.                            - Lockdown teaches us...                                                                           AMAZING FACT :                                                                           
                        The majority of oxygen is given by INDIA and china in this world - NASA said.                                                                           So please maintain the lockdown and fight against covid-19. Don't worry INDIA always with us to help the world.                                                                                                                                 JAI HIND ...                                                                   -  sayan                                          


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