Case study of NAMBI NARAYANAN- An Inspiration...

CASE STUDY OF NAMBI NARAYANAN : An Inspiration...      You thought who is Nambi Narayanan, we never heard anything about him. Who is he?? 90% of Indians don't know about him.    It's a Normal questions. But believe me his life was not normal. Police arrested him for a spy case. Then you think why I discuss about Nambi Narayanan! , who taunted as a criminal. So read this carefully ... Nambi Narayanan , Former ISRO scientist. S. Nambi Narayanan  (born 12 December 1941)is an INDIAN scientist and an aerospace engineer. As a senior official at the ISRO he was in-charge of the cryogenics division.   In 1994, he was falsely charged with espionage and arrested. But the charges against him were dismissed by the CBI in April 1996,and the supreme Court of India declared him not guilty in 1998.         In 2018, the Supreme Court, through the bench of Dipak Mishra...

Know about Earth's permanent natural satellite...

   In night sky , we all see the bright moon. It's really look like earth's satellite. But do you know what is the effect of moon on earth?? Just think that if the moon is not our sky then what will happen??

       Effect of Moon on Earth:

   The moon's gravitational pull on the Earth is the main cause of the rise and fall of ocean tides. The moon's gravitational pull causes two bulges of water on the Earth's oceans—one where ocean waters face the moon and the pull is strongest and one where ocean waters face away from the moon and the pull is weakest. 

        why ISRO choose lunar south pole of moon?
      In lunar south pole there will be ice , specially the shadowed area. In this area sunlight not reach and there are creators which make moon's lunar south pole unique. It would be vital resources for future explorers.

        Can we survive without Moon??

Without the moon, a day on earth would only last six to twelve hours. There could be more than a thousand days in one year! That's because the Earth's rotation slows down over time thanks to the gravitational force  or pull of the moon -- and without it, days would go by in a blink.

      Why land of south pole of moon is difficult?

    In lunar surface of moon there are sunlight can't reach and there has some creators which is full of ice, hydrogen gas, fossils. 

      Here some good news about ISRO'S CHANDRAYAN 3 mission.  This mission will launched 2021. Isro change the lander design and try to Modify the Lander's leg. And ISRO can't use 5th engine or middle engine. So , ISRO make lander with four engine.

AMAZING FACT:  The moon is only permanent natural satellite of earth. Moon is second densest satellite. The moon surface is actually dark.


          Hope for best ISRO for next missions. We are really proud of you ISRO

                             - Jai hind, Jai Bharat



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